The Food: MM's around the house that said Baby O on them, napkins with Baby O embossed on them. Scrumptious pork sandwiches, sides, and dessert.
The Drink: Beer and liquor that flowed all night-evidently Justin's Dad enjoyed it as he was the last to leave at 3 am after a hot game of poker.
The Gifts: The group gifts (Stroller, High Chair, and Bouncy Seat) were so generous and were presented in such a unique way. The Baby O sign was made by Jocie Weber's talented Mom, Mary.
The Setting: Fred and Deanna's house is beautiful and perfect for a big party. The open floor plan, the huge windows, beautiful yard, all on their own lake.
The People: The shower could have been in the middle of a field and it still would have rocked to be around so many friends and family. The farthest traveled were Brett and Erin Richardson from Scottsdale-though they were in town for a family event. Sioux City Sue drove 4 hours from Sioux City after work so she takes second prize!!! Several people came from Lincoln and Omaha.
The Hosts: We had 9 host couples and needed that many for all of the time and effort it took. Andrea and Troy Curtis (I call her the 'chairman' or she calls herself the 'shower nazi'), Fred and Deanna Bosselman (who opened their home), Michelle and Tracy Ochsner (the bedazzlers), Kristin and Rodney Buhr (MM's chair people), Laurie Moncrief, Kelly and Dave Landgren, Steph and Mark Bliss (I had 4 pieces of the carrot cake she made), Beth and Randy Coil, Julie and Bob Parker. As if they hadn't done enough, they had Mary Weber make a cute onesie that said Baby O and they gave us addressed Thank You cards to use that are just darling. THEY WENT ALLLLL OUT!