Kingzlee mastered the 'army crawl' this weekend!
We have to have something to focus on when we crawl!
Kingzlee and cousin Travis in
Gothenburg on Easter

Cousin Cody

Family picture for our first Easter! Complete with
Kingzlee screaming! It was nap time and she just couldnt sleep during church because there were wayyyy too many things to look at and she might miss out! So, she was exhausted.

She fell asleep on the 5 block drive home from church!

We decided that
Kingzlee is like her Aunt Marci and hates to dress up! I made her skirt and top for Easter. The fabric is left over from my bridesmaids dresses TEN years ago!

A little happier here!

Daddy getting her dressed, the hat only lasted a few seconds before she pulled it off!

We rarely put shoes on her at this point so it must have been interesting to watch! I know now why I
don't put her in shoes, I had to put them back on her at least 10 times during church! And, her feet are so small that even the smallest shoes
don't fit her. Her feet and thighs sure are not proportionate to each other!!!!

Doing the army crawl at Grandma
Shar's house

Easter morning in
Saturday night in
Gothenburg with Aunt Marci (and one of the shirts I made her)

With her cousins

We took
Kingzlee for her first ride in the tractor on Saturday. I sat on the 'instructor' seat and held her while we fed horses, she wasn't real sure about it at first but ended up enjoying it.

With Daddy and John (Deere)

Checking out her new toy

What is it!?!?!?!

"Let me chew on that!"

Posing with her blanket
Kingzlee hanging out at Dove's
We visited Dove in Lincoln on Thursday, of course, Kingzlee was naughty and cried when a 'stranger' was holding her!