The rest of the time that Daddy was away hunting, I took a trip to San Francisco! It was Grandma
Shar's (BIG) birthday so Mommy, Grandma, Aunt Kristi, Aunt Marci and I all went to SF to celebrate. My
BFF Megan came along also to help out!!! It was so much fun!!! The last day, we ate at In and Out Burger, my Mommy even let me try some hamburger and I loved the strawberry milk shake that Grandma gave me!!!!

Grandma feeding me milkshake

One day of our trip, we went to
Napa. Here is the crew in a beautiful castle that we visited!

They thought it was funny to take photos of me in this small doorway

On the drawbridge of the castle!

My two aunts helping me up the stairs. I am sure they love their '
back ends' in the photograph next to my cute
back end! :-)

The beautiful rows of grapes and the valley by the castle

The castle even had a sheep that I was able to pet! I love talking like a sheep '

We took a limo to
Napa so that none of the grown ups had to drive since they were tasting wine! I loved the limo and think Daddy should drive us around in one everyday!

If you look close, you can see a little monkey in the photo (me) eating a banana

It wears a little girl out to travel like a celebrity!

With Grandma at another winery, we were able to pick the grapes off the vines and taste them!

I even stomped grapes in

Hanging out with Megan at the first winery we visited, it had a lot of stairs and fountains which I loved!

With Mommy, Grandma, and my Aunts

I love jewelry ALMOST as much as I love handbags!!!

Mommy was tasting champagne, I was drinking water out of my green

You cant tell here but I was wearing different pants in this photo. As everyone sat down to taste, I sat on Megan's lap and my diaper leaked all over! oops! Good thing Mommy had extra clothes packed!

I took a little nap on the way up to
With Miss Megan in the limo as we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge

With Aunt Marci and Grandma as our ride arrived at the hotel

I have a love for handbags and bags, anything I can put on my arm and carry!!!

With Megan and Grandma on the cable car! I loved it once it started going!

Waiting at the cable car stop!

The day we arrived in SF, my Aunt Kristi is being a goofball, like usual!

After being a wild woman on the way to the Omaha airport and on our flight to Denver, I crashed during our layover, mouth open and all!!!!

The day before we left for SF, a package came for me in the mail!!!!! Daddy and Grandpa had sent me books from Moose, WY! Here is June showing me the books! I love them!!!!