This ended up out of order, but Grandma came to visit
Kingz a couple weeks ago before she headed to Arizona for a few weeks.

Tired baby + no clothes=wild woman!!!!

She was running around the kitchen throwing her fake
marshmallows around
harassing the dogs! She kept us all entertained!


Yesterday we visited
Kingzlee's newest cousin Isaac and his family. Here is
Kingzlee and Tim

Checking out Isaac-he is perfect!
Kingz and big brother Eli

She has a new interest in belly buttons and asks to see our belly buttons often! It is pretty
embarrassing when I have to lift my shirt and show my belly button in the middle of the store!
Showing off her belly button

Grandma and Grandpa Osborne came to visit after being in Florida for a couple weeks

Grandpa is kind of goofy!

With Grandpa, Grandma, and Daddy


Making a 'fort' under her slide

She has a new love for dolls. I
didn't play with dolls and I have never bought the poor child a doll. Good thing many other people have because they are her new favorite toy! She sleeps with one and even tries to shove food in their mouths and says 'EAT'!!!

Playing on her bike, notice Cinch's face to the right, she is not so impressed with
Kingzlee. Actually Cinch
isn't really impressed with anything anymore unless it involves food or

We bought a new camera so we have been taking even more photos of

Last weekend we went to Omaha just to get away. We were able to see a lot of friends,
Kingzlee's first babysitter Sara, and spend some time swimming.

She loved looking at the fish at the Embassy

Sara babysat
Kingzlee while we went to eat with Browns and
Bauers. She also watched Miss
Izzie who is about 7 months old.
Kingzlee meeting
Kingzlee was excited to see Sara again!!! Sara (or "
sa" as
Kingzlee says it) brought her a doll which sparked this new interest in dolls (or "
Baeeeby" as
Kingzlee says it!)

This is how she smiles when I ask her to smile for the camera-HAM.

Kissing Daddy good night!

Guildner was in town and he found time in his busy schedule to visit us and meet
Kingzlee. By the end of the night she had his name down and all we heard was "Chuck"!

Getting some love from Chuck!

Playing with the new camera.....

Kingzlee gets her cereal out of the cabinet, she has a very interested audience. Here she spilled her cup full of cereal and they were all racing to get as many as they could. It is a wonder she
didn't lose a finger in the process!!!

Even if she
doesn't spill, the dogs get some of her cereal!

My little

So not only does she love dolls, she also loves tractors and drive them around and around the coffee table
Kingzlee showing off how she can wear Mommy's slippers to Great Grandma '

Reading a book with her Great Grandpa

Talking 'Grink Gronk' into reading her a book

Kingz and 'Baba'

Just more experimentation with the new camera......




She loves to ride in the Gator with her Daddy and the dogs. It makes me a little nervous but Justin straps her in and away they go!

Showing off her yoga poses......