Kingzlee is in a stage where she has to do whatever Mommy does, so here we are wearing rollers!

A customer sent Justin some fresh fish and at the bottom of the box were two lobsters-
Kingzlee wasn't too sure about them!

Saying "Scary,
don't like it!"

The rest of the night, she told us she wanted "lobster" for dinner!

We were able to spend last weekend at the lake-she loves "Grandma
Shar's Lake"

Playing in her pool

Taking her first swim in the lake with Daddy

We had a family gathering on Saturday, she had fun playing with her 2
nd cousins!

Helping me make cupcakes before the gathering

Aunt Kristi and Uncle Bruce were home for the weekend, here is
Kingzlee enjoying breakfast before the party with Grandma and her aunts

Watching the neighbor kids riding the jet ski
Kingzlee became attached to her "Uncle Bruce" when they were back at Christmas, we
weren't sure she would remember him but fell in love with him all over again. All we heard all weekend was "Uncle Bruce, sleeping?", "Uncle Bruce, eating", "Uncle Bruce, talking on the phone?", "Uncle Bruce, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Bruce......"

We found an unusual bug so Grandma captured it for
Packing her bag of shoes at home, ready to go!

Looking at the
caterpillar (or "
tatterpiller" as she says it) eating the dill

We stopped by Grandma Pam and Great Grandma
Baba's garage sale and she picked up these sunglasses!

Making sugar cookies. We took this photo because she is the queen of taking longer shirts and wearing them like long skirts

It took both Sara and I to help with the sugar cookies! There were some interesting decorations!

Wearing Daddy's golf shoes as he was trying to get out of the door for golf

"Napping" with
The Curtis family joined us at the lake over the Fourth of July. I bought a mermaid
pinata for the kids that kept them entertained for a few minutes!

Our neighbor 'Doc' with the girls

Driving the boat!
Kingzlee followed Kori around all weekend!

Loves the lake!

On Fourth of July, she enjoyed her first sucker-not a good move because she asks for "suckers" every time we are at the lake now!

Ava Foster came for a visit, here they are playing on the slip and slide. Actually,
Kingzlee is chasing her trying to hug her!