Since it has been over a month since I have updated, we have many, many photos! We attended the State Fair on Labor Day and
Kingzlee rode the camel!

We were told they have the softest noses in the animal kingdom?!?!?

The rodeo was in Hastings on Labor Day weekend. Here is
Kingzlee after the stick horse grand entry. She was a mess-beans on her shirt, she went potty through her pants, then played in the dirt! She was actually jamming out to the music here, the judges were dying laughing at her!

Getting ready for the stick horse grand entry!

Judy lead her through the grand entry-good thing otherwise, she may have just camped out in the middle of the arena!


Spending a little time on her real horse, Sarge

Hmmmm, maybe if Mommy and I used this spur on Daddy he would move a little quicker?"

On Saturday of Labor Day, we had the
Korkow crew at our house for lunch-we did the same thing when she was 5 days old-it was much more enjoyable this time! She had a big time playing with her cowboy friends,
Adley, Cinch, and

Laughing at the bow she put in
Adley's hair and the lip gloss he was enjoying!
Kingzlee received 2 miniature horses for her birthday-Coco and Chanel (many more photos below). They spend their time being drug around the yard-this time she had a partner in crime!

They are like two dogs-and actually mind better than our dogs!

Concho love

Best buds!

Getting ready for the rodeo sponsor BBQ

The weekend before labor day, Aunt Kristi and Uncle Bruce were back at the lake so we spent several days there-it was windy the whole time but we still managed some fun! Here is
Kingzlee on the fun island with her Grandma and Aunts, right before a big storm hit! It was pretty entertaining watching Aunt Kristi and Marci try to drag that up in the 60 mph winds!!!

Aunt Kristi playing with
Kingzlee-Kristi climbed the '
Kingzlee scale' while she was back-she loves her Aunt Kristi now, almost as much as Uncle Bruce!!!

Helping Kristi and Bruce put the flags up

Her birthday lasted several weeks-here is her stick horse that Kristi and Bruce gave her-it was a hit!

She loves to open gifts and still looks for birthday cards in the mailbox everyday! Today, I heard her singing "Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to me,

If the ice cream melts too fast, just scoop it up with your hands and shovel it in your mouth!

Introducing Coco and Chanel to
Baba and
Grink Gronk
On her actual birthday, we just
layed low after a weekend of celebrating at the lake. Her she is taking a birthday call from Grandma

Birthday photo with Daddy!

Birthday photo with Mama!

The weekend before her birthday, we were at the lake. She had some friends at the cabin on Saturday and her family party on Sunday.

With Justin's family

And my family

Grandma Pam

Aunt Marci
Baba and
Grink Gronk
Posing with her 'cake'

With some of her new toys

Opening gifts at her family party

Testing out her new tricycle that
Hultines gave her-she loves it!

Blowing out the candles at her 'friends' party. I made her a candle holder again-this year in the shape of a horseshoe-out of sterling, onyx, and resin.

I guess when you are TWO, you are big enough to go tubing......

She loved it!

Swimming in her clothes with
Broden on Friday night before the big weekend

The week before her birthday, she was spoiled with gifts from several people.....

Mimi made her a little outfit with Broncos (for Hastings College) on the front and "Diff" #37 on the back (Mimi, and
Kingzlee's, boyfriend
Alek's football number)

'Auntie' June brought her a big gift, and Cinch and Concho helped to unwrap it....

A vaccum cleaner!!!!! She must love it because when the Dr asked what she got for her birthday, she told him "vaccum"!

The morning after we brought Coco and Chanel home, Kingzlee asked for her sunglasses and her blanket, she then snuggled in to take a nap with her horses!!!! She didn't really sleep though.

The big horses getting their first look at Coco and Chanel!

Kingzlee making sure that they eat ok when they arrived at their new home! They are so sweet-only 4 months old and 24" tall! They will grow to about 30"!

What an exciting 2nd birthday!