We are getting back into our schedule of play dates-here are the kids taking turns going down the slide!

And playing ring around the

They all fall down!

Wearing Dad's boots

She loves her
Concho sooooo much!

Trying out Daddy's hunting hat

Big News!!!! She decided last week to start going to the bathroom on her little toilet!!! She is doing so well, we are shocked how quickly she has picked everything up. She even goes on big toilets when we are away from home (football game, church, YMCA, etc). Her prize when she fills her board with stars is ice cream with Daddy-here she is enjoying her prize!!!!

We enjoyed the Nebraska vs Kansas game with Tom and Nancy and family

She went to the bathroom at the stadium then proceeded to show everyone who talked to her, the big girl underwear she was wearing!!!!

With Grandma and Grandpa Osborne at the game
Kingzlee and Daddy's artwork

Running around after the Hastings College football game

With her boyfriend
Alek after the game

Taking pictures of herself during the game

Cheering for
Loves football games!
Kingz and Mimi before the Hastings College football game

Eating pickled
Exhausted cowgirl after Halloween

It was impossible to get a photo of her for Halloween

She loves to make sugar cookies and was very proud of herself for talking me into making some-it is quite a project with her involved!
Concho gets love like this on a daily basis!

We went to Colorado the weekend before Halloween to visit 'Aunt' Sue. We were also able to see the

Giving Cale kisses.

Grooming Mark

We took a day to do some shopping at Cherry creek-she is a good little shopper!

Mimi came along to babysit. Here is
Kingz, Mimi, and Aunt Sue

At Aunt Sue's house ready to go shopping for the day

We had a little shopping trip to Broken Bow with the
Ochsners. Whenever
Kingzlee is with Jenna and
Jaden, she is in heaven! They are so good to her!

Trying out Daddy's headphones-future pilot?!?!?

We went to Lincoln for the Nebraska vs Texas game. It was Grandma
Shar's birthday so she helped Grandma open her gifts! Regardless of the game, it was fun to be with Aunt Marci, Aunt Kristi, Uncle Bruce, and Grandma
Shar for the weekend!

Mimi and
Kingzlee rode in the combine while I was at volleyball

She still talks about riding in the combine "I rode in the combine with Mimi. Not Mommy and Daddy. We picked corn!"

In the gator with Mimi and the dogs