After a long 10 days of Daddy being away bear hunting in Alaska, he finally returned home!!! We went to Omaha for the weekend because Mommy had a shower for a friend who is going to have a baby girl! Here I am after a long night in the hotel, I didn't sleep much that night so I had to take a snooze in the morning. I like to sleep with my bottom in the air the very best!!!
Bananas are my favorite morning snack! Here I am eating one in the hotel bed!

I love, love, love my baths, even if it is in a hotel!!!

I can pull myself up on ANYTHING now!!!

I crawled all the way across the hotel room to the bathroom when I heard my bath water running. Mom
wasn't real excited about me being on the hotel room floor but there is no stopping me!!!

I think I am pretty cute!!!

Oh how I love my Daddy!

My Mommy is
OK too! Actually, I am quite attached to my Mommy, sometimes I drive my Mom insane because I am so clingy. My fingers are always in my mouth, I'm trying to get more teeth to come out!

Daddy and I posing at the French Cafe. I was such a good girl all through dinner for my Mommy and Daddy!

Give me that camera! I would like to see if it tastes as good as my sweet potatoes!

Love, love, love my orange veggies

Love, love, love chewing on water glasses, it feels good on my gums

Sometimes I am really cheesy

I really like shoes! I
don't like to wear them but I love to chew on them! Mommy put her shoes up so I
couldn't reach them, but you cant keep a girl away from shoes! I was able to get them down and just about had my tooth mark on them when Mommy took them away!

I have sticky fingers, kind of like a monkey. When we are walking by something I will stretch out and grab it and not let go!!!

I tried to crawl in the shower with Daddy so Mommy had to take off my wet pajamas. I
didn't care, I prefer to be naked.

Here I am trying to crawl into the shower with Daddy