We have been spending some time at the pool and
Kingzlee LOVES it!
Doesn't mind being splashed at all. In fact, some little boy was standing under the water yesterday and it sprayed her, she simply growled! Such a lady!

We were at the high school rodeo finals this weekend. Grandma and Grandpa Osborne have been in Florida so they were able to see her for the first time in a couple weeks.
Gma Pam is not giving her a beer-just moving it so
Kingzlee can play in the ice in the cooler!

Gpa Jack and Harrison
Mardee was in town to time for the high school rodeo finals so came to visit

With Daddy at the finals during break away roping

She loves to ride her pony '
Rody' she jumps up and down and chews his ears!!!

Our last day hanging out with the Curtis girls before they moved to New Mexico!

Pestering the Curtis girls and
Addyson while they were trying to watch a movie

She LOVED having an audience during her bath!

She is the most happy when she is the center of attention-a true Leo!

Checking out Collin Hermes who is about as big as her already!

Being a ham at the lake

The morning of her 10 month birthday!

When she is in the pool, she has the confidence to stand on her own! She is getting very close to walking, just lacks confidence

LOVES her pool!

Who needs toys when one can dig through Mommy's handbag???

Chewing up the receipt so Daddy cant see what we spent-a true girl!

Playing in her pool at the lake with Daddy on Father's Day!

In the boat with Aunt Marci

The boat made her very sleepy

Her very first boat ride on Father's Day!

Aunt Marci and Mommy

She finally warmed up to our neighbor at the lake, Dr Talbot enough to let him touch her!

Waking Daddy up on their first Father's Day!

Practicing her walk at
Lakeshore at Johnson Lake

Her lake buddy, Ava Foster!

Looking at Ava through the window!

Throwing a temper tantrum in her car seat-we only had her half buckled in as we were just going to the neighbors in the stroller. She must have her Daddy's temper??!?!? :-)

EVERYTHING is a chew toy!

She thought she was pretty smart crawling in her closet


Peeking out the window at the longhorns

Playing on the practice green with Daddy