I was in recovery mode last week from the Cattlemen's Ball so I didn't get any photos posted. So, here are two weeks worth of photos.
Practicing her walk with Sara and Baba
Baba and Grink Gronk
We went to a 'barn party' on Saturday night, by the look on her face, she had a great time!
Whoa, those horses are larger than mine!
Checking out the band
Being entertained!
With the newlyweds, Kerree and Owen. We attended their beautiful wedding the night before at the same location-The Prairie Loft! It was amazing! Kerree is from Nebraska, Owen is Irish, they met in London and live in Australia so it was an international affair! There were guests there from 12 countries!
Getting ready for the barn party
EVERYTHING is interesting now
No more clean windows at our house

Vents are very interesting as well
She loves the bar area, which is fine because everything is out of reach besides the pipe to the sink.

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