We had a big weekend celebrating
Kingzlee's First Birthday! Saturday, we had friends to the lake for a "Thank goodness we survived our first year of parenthood" party. On Sunday (her actual birthday) we had family at the lake for her birthday party!

Excited she is the center of attention!

I made a sterling and resin candle holder for her cake. I plan to make one every year for her birthday!

"Daddy, do you think Mommy will get mad if I play with my food?"

She liked the chocolate cake!

With Mommy on her birthday!

With Mommy and Daddy on her birthday

In her car
Gma and
Gpa gave her

With her Great Grandparents
Gma Shar and Aunt Marci (below)

Checking out Ava who paid
Kingzlee a visit on her birthday!

She loves cards (below)

Happy birthday girl!

Loving on Aunt Marci

Megan pushing
Kingzlee on her new Disney car

So excited about the car that
Ochsners gave her!

The morning of her first birthday!

She was so tired on Saturday night but would not give up-unless someone talked to her-then she would hide her head!

Her new
BFF-Bob Parker

She loved Bob but we are not sure we could afford him as a babysitter!

Let me out-its MY party!

Yet another photo of her asleep in the boat!

Opening her new shoes from Angela and Sally

Standing in the middle of 'some' of the pies that we had on Saturday

With her new babysitter, Megan!

Last week, we went to Omaha for a few days as Justin had meetings. We spent one morning at the zoo with Daddy and Sara! Here she is pointing at the giraffes!

With Sara at the zoo!

Pointing at the elephants

Looking at the animal pelts

She was not sure of the white tiger (neither was mommy!)

Big gorillas

REAL gorilla!

So excited to see Sara again!
Raspberries are messy!

She has a new love for handbags....not sure where she would have picked that up?!?!?

Being a goof while eating her peas

She loves to sit in boxes, baskets, etc

Carrying more bags around

Last weekend, we went to Kissinger's pool-she loves the water!!!!

With Daddy and her dogs!

She is getting a lot of help

Loves watching her dogs!

Collin is already as big as

Checking out her future prom date!

Last Saturday, we attended Kool Aid Days! We went down the huge slide a couple of times!

Long climb to go down the slide!

We went to the park for the first time and she loved the swing!

Since Sara left for school and Megan wasnt here yet, Mommy had to get creative in ways to fill our days. Here was my first attempt at a fort, she liked it!

At the Hultines-with Addyson, Lexie, and Broden

We met 'Aunt' Sue and her dog Chloe at the interstate as Sue was moving from Iowa to Colorado!

We stopped by Daddy's office and she worked hard at destroying it!

And, her love for handbags starts.....

We watched the IIS sponsored softball team win the championship a couple of Mondays ago!

Playing with the softball after the game