We spent the weekend at the lake again,
Kingzlee loves it!

She really likes to go fast in the boat!

So much fun bathing in her duck!!!

Napping in the boat

The boat made her so sleepy she fell asleep sitting up!

Playing at the lake with Daddy, giving someone a glare!

She wore her Nike's that Aunt Kristi gave her for the first time! She had a little trouble walking in them at first!

Many days I find that I end up dressing us very similar. I
usually don't realize it until we have left the house!

Walking in her new shoes!
Hmmm the shoe strings are fun to play with!

We had a little play date with
Alivia and Amanda at the Back Alley Bakery

She loved the yarn shop and thought Karla was really cool!

Sara's sister Brooke was here last week and Sara took some fun photos of them! I love this one!

We went to Kearney to visit
Daena and her new baby
Kingzlee wasn't too sure what to think and was more interested in the toys that Jocie's Grandma had then the baby!

Posing with
Broden, and
We went to the
PBR and
Kingzlee was able to stay up late! Here she is showing off her ticket to the bull riding!

Checking out Rachelle's jewelry!

With Amy and Jeff at the bull riding

Watching bulls with Daddy

Friends Judy and Ashley were in town and came to visit

Loving on Ashley

She loved the new sunglasses that Judy and Ashley brought her....

And, she had fun unwrapping the cool clothes they gave her!

With Sienna at the pool. This is the best photo we could get of the two of them!

Playing with
Baba's necklace at the pool

We went to the fair and visited the animals and the carnival. She was pretty sure she could just walk on her own! It was a big day-her 11 month birthday!!!!!

She is getting much better about going to other people!


She was not sure what to think of those pigs!

She was able to touch this pig's nose!


Cows-a little different looking than our longhorns!

Posing in her high chair on her 11 month birthday!

Being a goof!

Our neighbors, the
Spadys, had us to dinner and
Kingzlee was well entertained with everyone. She loved Becky!

Posing with Sara

Grandma Pam giving her the bottle

Grandma and Grandpa feeding her

With Grandma & Grandpa Osborne and Jerry & Sandy
Spady's pond
Spady's home and gardens are so beautiful there were many opportunities for great photos!
Kingz and Grandpa Jack by the grapevines

With Becky by the pond
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