We had a wild week! Last weekend we went to the Big 12 game. This was the first time Justin and I have left
Kingzlee at the same time-we flew private so were only to be gone 30 hours. Well, the weather changed those plans and we were gone about 55 hours which about gave me an anxiety attack! Grandma
Shar did a great job babysitting even though it lasted a night longer than expected! The weather then pushed our trip to Vegas back a day, so we left on Wednesday and still came home on Saturday.
Kingzlee and a babysitter joined us on that trip! Here is
Kingzlee helping Daddy build a fire today!

Vegas has a lot of great photo opportunities!

Playing by the pool of cranberries

Checking out the water fall

This was an amazing booth at cowboy Christmas-a huge shopping event that happens along with the National Finals Rodeo. This artist carves horses out of a single piece of wood and paints and adorns the horse to resemble a real horse. The mane and tail are even made of real horse hair! For just $6,000
Kingzlee can have one in her own home to resemble one of her real horses!!

This particular piece was electric and would move while the others were on rockers. The nice artist asked if
Kingzlee wanted a ride. When we put her up there she was shy because everyone was looking at her so she covered part of her face-it was so funny!

She has learned so many new things in just a week! She calls her blankets '
bebe', her babysitters 'Meme', says and signs 'please', and covers her face when she is
embarrassed or in trouble.

Proof that we were in Vegas with the slot machines in the background

Whenever anyone would talk to her in the
elevator, she would cover her face with her blanket.

Checking out her Christmas gift! I found this at the Country Christmas show and thought it was so cute. Hers will be black and pink!!!! Good thing she is too young to realize what gifts are all about since she was with me when I bought it!!! She also got her first pair of chaps in Vegas-they are hair on hide with zebra print! So cute!!!

At lunch with Skylar by the canal at the Venetian

Watching out the window of the airplane. This is the fourth trip she has been on in an airplane!

She was a wild animal on the flight out there and refused to sleep! The people behind us were laughing at her because she was being such a ham. When we landed in Vegas they said "We would suggest that you
don't give her Mountain Dew when she gets older!" We agree!

The day before we left, she let herself into the kitchen, opened the cabinet with the cereal, sat on the floor and started to eat it. You can see the audience that she drew!

I feel so blessed that we have babysitters who love
Kingzlee!!! Here she is showing off the outfits that Skylar gave her for Christmas! Spoiled?!?!

Opening her gift from
Sklar. This was very stressful for Cinch because she used to get to open gifts-she just paced back and forth while
Kingzlee was tearing the paper!
1 comment:
I just showed Breanna these pics of Kingzlee. Breanna said, "She is growing...at least a couple inches!" Looked like a great trip.
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