Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekly Photos

Kingzlee trying out her new 'jumper'.....more junk for my living room!

The three of us at Baba and Grink Gronk's house on Sunday

Kingzlee with Grink Gronk and Daddy

Daddy and Kingzlee Sunday after church

Saturday, we went to Gothenburg to watch cousin Cody play basketball. He was also class rep for coronation so we stayed to watch the ceremony. Cody was tired of his Aunt taking photos of him!
Very interested in the coronation ceremony

Aunt Marci, Grandma and Kingzlee at the coronation

With Cody after his ball game

Getting lots of love from Aunt Marci

Asleep with her giraffe on our way to Gothenburg

Alex telling Kingzlee goodbye

With Alex on Friday night
Alex and Kori changed Kingzlee into her PJ's-she was like a 'real life' doll for the girls-Kingzlee seemed to enjoy it!
With the Curtis family

On Friday, Kingzlee turned 5 months old!!!!

Making her funny face

We visited Baba and Grink Gronk on Wednesday

Our toes are still a lot of fun!!!

Watching the Presidential Inauguration

Funny faces!

She loves her bumble bee!

In her bebe pod

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Weekly Photos!

Grandma Shar visited over the weekend and babysat Saturday night so Mommy and Daddy could go out and enjoy time with friends
Playing with her toes
They are such interesting things to play with!!!
Eating her towel after her bath
On Saturday, Kingzlee came up with a new face where she puckers her lips and blows spit bubbles.
She makes us laugh with her new face!!!
By Saturday night when we returned home from being out, she had another new face and really made us giggle.
Our new straight lip face after our bath
She is such a goof!!
Daddy's hands!
Playing on her tummy
She now rolls from stomach to back and vice versa and scoots to wherever she wants to go
She attacks her toys, Mom's shoulder, anything she thinks might be a good thing to chew on!
Jodi and Kingzlee in North Platte
Sophia checking out Kingzlee
Justin, Shaun, and Kingzlee in North Platte after Shaun's Grandfather's funeral-EH Shoemaker
Mrs. Shoemaker meeting Kingzlee
On our way to North Platte, we stopped in Gothenburg to visit Aunt Marci and Grandma
Kingzlee with her new sunglasses for our ski trip next week!
Trying to attack that baby in the mirror
She barely naps anymore, usually only 20-30 minutes at a time!!! By the end of the day, she typically as only napped 1 1/2 hours total for the day! Not real easy for Mommy to get anything accomplished during the day at that rate!! At least she sleeps through the night!
Hanging out in her high chair with her bee-another favorite toy!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Uneventful week....

We just enjoyed being home this week and didn't really do anything exciting. Though we really do appreciate every day with Kingzlee! She is full of smiles and giggles. Her feet are quite entertaining and everything goes in her mouth. In addition, she drools gallons daily! She had her shots on Thursday and tolerated them well. She weighed in at 13 lbs-13 oz and was 25 1/4" in length. This time, she was between 50-75% in both height and weight!
In her car seat with her giraffe, of course, and an organic bear blanket that Aunt Kristi gave her. Wow, for not being a kid person, Kristi sure has done well on everything she has given Kingzlee so far!!!
Justin and I bought her these John Deere Roper boots last weekend, they are the only shoes that really fit her at this point. As soon as her feet grow a little more, she has a whole closet full of shoes waiting for her!!!
With Daddy in her John Deere boots.
In her bebe pod practicing sitting upright!
Playing in her exersaucer. We are now used to having all kinds of baby things all over our home!!!
Laying in her bouncy seat.
Sitting in her high chair, the shiny face is not because she is 'glowing' but instead because of all of the drool!
Hanging out in her bouncy seat some more!

Tummy time. Sometimes when things are too close, her eyes go crossed!!! She now rolls from her tummy to her back and sometimes from her back to tummy.