Saturday, March 27, 2010

New York City, etc

We were in NYC last week where I ran a half marathon with my friend Connie Hultine. In addition to Hultines, Rodney & Kristin Buhr joined us and Sara, Kingzlee's babysitter was with us to help wrangle the beast! My sister had a long layover on her way to Ireland and had lunch with us after the half marathon. AND, we were able to see our friends, the Herringtons as well as my friends who live in NYC. It was a fun trip and was extended a day because we couldn't get out due to weather-I didn't mind!!!!
We took Kingzlee to FAO Schwarz on our bonus day and bought her another 'baby'.
Sushi for lunch, Nina Garcia (Project Runway) was next to us. I wanted to tell her that Kingz loves to flip through the pages of her Black Book of Style!
With Miss Sara on our way back from Soho
Enjoying some sangria in Soho after the half marathon
We finished and were still standing!!!!
Giving Kingzlee love at mile 8 of the half marathon
Marc, Justin and Kingzlee met us at mile 8 as we were coming out of the park.
Carb loading the night before the run. My friend Kiersten joined us for dinner
'Uncle' Marc entertaining Kingzlee
It was so beautiful in NYC, we spent a lot of time in the park. She really loved playing on the manhole cover!
Playing with shoes at Saks while Mommy was trying on shoes. They were so nice and brought her the pink shoes because they matched the silver glitter shoes she was wearing. Daddy is in so much trouble, he may need a second job!
Posing in front of Rockefeller center on our way to Fifth avenue
Posing in the hotel room
We took a carriage ride in central park, mainly for the sentimental value since Kingzlee's Grandpa Virg had a carriage. The idea came to my Dad when we took a carriage ride in Central Park when I was little. Kingzlee loved 'Harold' the horse and every time she saw a horse and carriage after that, she yelled 'Haroooolldddd'

The many dogs in the park were very entertaining to Kingzlee as well!

Our first night, we stayed with our friends, the Herringtons in Edgewater. Kingz had a great time playing with Colin and Jack!
We took a hike from their home, under the George Washington bridge, through the tunnels. It was a beautiful day and beautiful hike!

Under the bridge. Kristy was my roommate my freshman year in college. I am sure our parents are amazed that we actually survived and have finally grown up (for the most part)!
Reading on the airplane
The weekend before we left, we attended the Nebraska Horse Expo. Kingz wasn't sure what to think of the horse her size. It was actually a difficult decision for her because there was a dog on the other side of her, she couldn't decide whether to pet the dog or 'Howo'!
At the Hultines the weekend before our trip. Marc is showing her how she should talk to us!
Comparing belly buttons
A box full of fun toys arrived, of course, the box was just as exciting as the toys!
The final product, a grocery stand, complete with produce, and a shopping cart-it totally fits the decor of our house, doesn't it?!?!? I have given up and have resigned myself to the fact that our home is going to be covered in toys for many years!
Driving her shopping cart
Helping Daddy assemble the grocery stand
She likes to sit in her toy basket and pile the toys in the basket with her
Loves her Daddy!
So innocent......with raspberry on her face!

1 comment:

Ann Foster said...

I love the pictures! The grocery stand is ADORABLE!

Congrats on completing the half marathon! Looks like you had an amazing time in NYC.

Let's catch up soon! :)